Riparian Studios Film Premieres in Theaters Across Nevada County Today

Riparian Studios is excited to announce the release of two short advertisements that will be shown in the Del Oro Theater, Sutton Cinemas, the Onyx Theater and all venues showing the Nevada City Film Festival. The films, titled “Future,” include a :30 and a :90 second version.

While they may not be the “feature presentation,” the films, created in partnership with Nevada County, highlight the increasing frequency of disasters like wildfires and snowstorms, and pay off with a call to action to take a survey. The survey asks residents to prioritize what they think is most important to prepare for disasters, from evacuation route improvement to communications system upgrades. Results will help guide Nevada County efforts in the future.

“Once again it’s an honor to serve our community with these films,” says Kit Kohler, the films’ director and narrator. “It’s always a dream come true when you get to work on a project that has the potential to make a real impact, and the County has given us that opportunity on numerous occasions.”

A 30 second version of the ad will run from June 3rd through September 1st ahead of all films at the Del Oro, Sutton Cinemas and The Onyx. The :90 extended cut will air before films screened at the Nevada City Film Festival.